Coming right around the corner is one of the biggest events of the year: Homecoming! Homecoming is the time of the semester when everyone gets to come together for some fun campus rivalries boosted by the lipsync battle and service. “Every year will look a little different due to having different people on the Executive…
Police Department and SGA Implement New Ticket Appeal System
The system of appeal for traffic tickets at Oklahoma City University is getting a new facelift thanks to new Chief of Police Tony Spurlock and the Student Government Association’s president Anthony Carranza and Chief Justice Sonny Tabor. With the former system, students who were issued a traffic ticket had to go to the police department,…
Lambda Chi Supports Youth Mental Health and Food Security
Starting on March 6th, OCU’s chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha began their philanthropy week supporting Feeding America and the JED Foundation. These organizations support food security and young adults’ mental health. The Lambda brothers held all events all week in support of these causes! Monday was “Chopped Ice” where snow cones were sold outside the…
March Madness: Best On Campus Activities This Month
Explore Some of Our Favorite Events Happening on Campus This Month! Tues. 3/7 Women in Leadership Lunch and Panel Wed 3/8 International Women’s Day ODEI International Women’s Day Movie Night Mon 3/13 Start of SPRING BREAK!! Fri 3/17 End of Spring Break St. Patrick’s Day Mon 3/20 ODEI Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Presentation Wed…
OCU Miracle Marathon raises 18,000 dollars
The marathon was themed around dance. The primary goal of the event was to raise money to support the Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Lessons in Leadership with Seth Norcott
Alumn Seth Norcutt shared employment advice at the Lessons in Leadership event.
SGA completes first phase of gender-neutral bathroom upgrades
Student Government Association installed new gender-neutral bathroom signs in several places on campus.
Campus Leadership Award honor largest number of outstanding students, faculty yet
The winners of OCU’s 2020 Campus Leadership Awards have been announced.
Editors encourage students to attend multicultural events, celebrations
The editors write about thee importance of attending multicultural events.
Officials leave OrgSync behind, transition to more streamlined platform
Administrators are looking to engage with students through an updated service, Engage.
Students get leadership opportunities through new committees
Two students will lead new campus committees-the Student Civic Engagement Committee and the OKCU Dance Marathon Committee.
Former St. Gregory’s dean of students joins administration
A new official is advising Student Senate and handling conduct issues. Lilly Bermudez was appointed Jan. 4 as the new associate dean of students.
Presidential search committee must keep students updated on progress
The new president will take office July 1, but the search committee has not provided the campus community with information about the presidential search since November.
Officials search for vice president for student affairs
Officials have begun the search for a new vice president of student affairs.The vice president for student affairs position was left empty in July after Rick Hall retired after a 40 year career in educational leadership.
Status of on-campus restaurant unclear
The future of an on-campus restaurant is uncertain.
Disability services moves to academic affairs
Lee Hall, former director for first year experience, is the new disability services director. The disability services director assists students with learning limitations by providing accommodation letters to professors. The director also gives injured students access to golf cart transportation across campus. Brenda Johnston, the previous campus health and disability services director, resigned Jan. 24….