Now that classes have started, Oklahoma City University students have been easing back into the swing of things here on campus. Beginning a new semester of classes can be exciting, but it can also be intimidating. Whether it’s their first semester at OCU or their last, this guide is designed to help students shine like…
Spring fun in the Oklahoma Sun
When someone says spring in Oklahoma, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Looking beyond allergy season and swatting past the new batch of bugs, there is a promise of new adventure in the air. When it comes to campus life, there are many entertaining activities just around the corner, utilizing the warmer…
March Madness: Best On Campus Activities This Month
Explore Some of Our Favorite Events Happening on Campus This Month! Tues. 3/7 Women in Leadership Lunch and Panel Wed 3/8 International Women’s Day ODEI International Women’s Day Movie Night Mon 3/13 Start of SPRING BREAK!! Fri 3/17 End of Spring Break St. Patrick’s Day Mon 3/20 ODEI Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Presentation Wed…
Signs that prove it’s time for Spring Break
If you identify with any of he following symptoms, you too have fallen victim to this spring (break) fever.
Annual film series set to begin
A film about an illiterate drug dealer turned poet is the first film in a spring documentary film series.
How to spring back after Spring Break
Knowing how difficult it can be to get back into the swing of things after Spring Break, it’s important to take steps on the first day back to encourage yourself for the last six weeks of hard work (yes, only six weeks left in this year!). Here are a few tips to make the transition a little easier.
Spring sick days: what you need to know about staying healthy
Germs are hitting OCU hard, and students are feeling the pinch of sick days at the start of the semester.Currently, several strains of illness are criss-crossing the OCU campus, including influenza, strep, mono, the common cold, and stomach bugs. While the more mild forms of these diseases can be treated with rest, lots of fluids, and over-the-counter medicine to control symptoms, the other diseases are very serious and should be treated by a medical professional.
OCU Law School to move downtown
The law school is on schedule to move to their downtown location, 800 N. Harvey, in December of 2014.The move was approved in October 2012, and the school is on schedule with their original plan of moving to their new location in 2014.
Finishing the school year strong: tips and hints
By Lauren Matheny, Lifestyles Editor While spring semester is drawing to a close, students often feel the need for a productivity boost as focus lags. The end of the school year can bring on bouts of anxiety, fatigue, and procrastination just when students need focus and energy. For seniors, this lack of drive can be…