Former Congressman Kenneth Hulshof shared stories of his life as a Congressman.
Editorial: Editors admonish creation of anti-trans state senate bill
The editors urge students to oppose anti-trans legislation in Oklahoma.
Gender-inclusive housing resolution passes Senate
A Student Government Association senator has drafted a resolution on gender inclusion in OCU housing.
SGA President passes resolution calling for Kappa Sigma, Alpha Phi suspension
Student Government Association President Trae Trousdale decided to sign Resolution 001.
Senator submits appeal in vice president impeachment hearing
Sen. Beatrize Martinez (law) submitted the appeal of Vice President Gipson-Black to the OCU student court at 6:34 p.m. yesterday.
Senators move to impeach vice president
Senators accused Gipson-Black of offenses including verbally assaulting members of the executive cabinet and having sex in the Student Government Association offices.
Student Senate falls short of quorum for two meetings in a row
Student Senate failed to meet quorum at two consecutive meetings last semester.
Editorial: Student Government not utilizing transparency
Student Government Association officials promised transparency to students. Recently, this has not happened.
Nine Senate seats still vacant after freshman senator applications close
Applications for two freshmen at large Senate seats closed yesterday, but other seats are still open.
Applications open for SGA, Homecoming committee
The applications for Student Government Association elections and for Homecoming committee are now available on OrgSync.
Student continues work on university recycling program
The Repurposing Club’s proposal for recycling bins on campus failed, resulting in further discussion of on-campus recycling.
UPDATE: Freshman At-Large Candidates
Student Government Association is having an election to fill two Freshman At-Large senate seats.
SGA prepares for the end of terms, new officers
Student Government Association members are focused on tying up loose ends a month before new officers take office.
Committee changes funding, reimbursement policy
The individual funding policy was added to the Student Senate Standing Rules, saying SGA will only fund organizations not individuals.
Student Senate rejects bill for alumni event
Student Government Association is asking student organizations to consider budgets when requesting funding.
SGA plans new resolutions, State of the Students event
Student senators are working on two new resolutions for this semester that could make students’ lives a little easier.
Student Senate changes meeting schedule
Student Senate members voted to change the frequency of their meetings. The decision was made to hold meetings on a bi-monthly schedule for the Spring 2015 semester. Previously, the organization held meetings once a week.
Election results released
Yesterday, Thursday April 3, SGA released the election results for the 2014-2015 SGA high officers. The results were as follows: Beatrize Martinez- SGA President Terrance Craft- Student Senate President and Vice President of SGA MaryAnn Grover- Student Activities Council President and Vice President of SGA Students voted for SGA high officers on Tuesday April 3…
SGA election results released
The 2014 Student Government Association high office winners were announced Thursday. Beatrize Martinez was re-elected as president of SGA. Terrance Craft won Vice President of SGA, President of Student Senate. Maryann Grove won Vice President, President of Student Activities Council. The votes were cast April 1 and 2. Applications to be on the SGA executive…
Oklahoma House approves bill to nullify Affordable Care Act
The Oklahoma House voted March 14 to declare the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional.
Senators approve new student government appointments
Senators voted to approve Student Government Association’s appointments for the 2011-2012 academic year at their first meeting with the new senatorial board.
Senators approve funding, welcome new members
Current Student Government Association leaders offered their support and wishes of good luck to incoming Senators April 5 at the last Senate meeting for the current Senate body
Senate to vote on allotments, bill at meeting
Senators will vote to approve allotments for the Fall semester and will vote on one piece of legislation at their weekly Senate meeting.
SGA determines allotments for Fall semester
The Student Government Association allotment committee met March 31 to determine how much to fund student organizations’ requests for the Fall 2011 semester.
More than $1,800 in funding approved by Senate
With only one Senate meeting remaining, senators are working to be fiscally responsible when spending remaining funds.
New legislation to be presented at Senate meeting
Senators will present eight pieces of legislation March 29 at the weekly Senate meeting.