Renovations to Smith Hall could make OCU a regional leader in interfaith cooperation. The university’s Strategic Planning Committee approved a proposal in August to redevelop Smith Hall into interfaith student housing. If the university secures fundraising commitments for the project this semester, students could move into Smith in 2017, said Marty O’Gwynn, vice president for…
University officials hire new directors of development
The office of university advancement and external relations has recently hired two new directors of development. Lora Malone and Kassie McCoy will both serve as directors of development, working together to assist donors in making philanthropic gifts to the university. “The director of development positions are designed to provide contact between the university and our…
Chemistry lab renovation plans revealed
Students required to take chemistry as a part of their degree will have the opportunity to learn in upgraded laboratories.University officials unveiled the $2.2 million renovation plan to current chemistry laboratories in the Dawson-Loeffler Science and Mathematics building at an Oct. 22 trustee meeting.
OCU officials announce chemistry lab updates
OCU officials announced plans for $2.2 million in chemistry lab upgrades during the fall Board of Trustees meeting.