An anthology of creative works published by Sigma Tau Delta is making a comeback this semester. The Scarab is a compilation of student-submitted pieces ranging from poetry, essays, and short stories to photographs, art, and film. The long-running journal gets its title from Oklahoma City University’s original mascot, the scarab beetle. The return of The…
Need new ideas for summer plans?
When hustling through the last few weeks of school, a person typically reaches summer with two different mindsets. From one point of view, there is a full-stop mindset stemming from those late nights in the library. Coming from being hunched over a computer screen trying to re-read a sentence. The more you read it, the…
Campus community gathers for celebration honoring the student body
Recently, Oklahoma City University hosted its annual Campus Leadership Awards, honoring students, student organizations and organization advisors. Several new awards were introduced this year, including New Organization of the Year, Content Creator of the Year, and Student Government Association Leader of the Year. This remarkable moment for students also marked a pivotal moment for members…
Ethics Debate Team Takes on Nationals in Cincinnati
Recently, the OCU Ethics Debate Team, sponsored by the Meinders School of Business, traveled to Cincinnati to compete in the APPE Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl National Tournament. The OCU team qualified for Nationals after their undefeated first-place victory at the Rocky Mountain Regional Ethics Bowl back in November of last year. The National Tournament took place…
OCU set to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day at parade
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is an essential figure of the history of the United States, specifically the Civil Rights movement. Every year, the third Monday in January is observed as a federal holiday in honor of Dr. King. Dr. King was a Black Baptist minister famous for his advocacy of nonviolent methods to…
Inside the Diary of an OCU Golfer
Dear Diary, Early morning workouts kickstart the day – the stretch, the run, the lift – they awaken me, priming me for whatever comes next. After workouts, I go to class. Balancing golf and academics remains a daily challenge. The struggle between the golf course and homework persists, yet I’m getting the hang of managing…
Anna Marie Wright Crowned Miss OCU 2024
Miss OCU 2024, Oklahoma City University’s annual beauty pageant crowned a new winner last night in junior musical theatre major Anna Marie Wright. The competition featured 4 onstage sections as well as an interview prior. Competitors compete in an onstage question, health and fitness wear, talent, and an evening wear section. Nine women ranging from…
OCU ODEI Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Indigenous Peoples’ Day, observed annually on the second Monday of October, celebrates the immense contributions the indigenous community has made to society. It serves to honor the resilience, contributions, struggles and successes of this community in the past, present and future. Instituted in 1992 in Berkeley, California, the observation eventually spread throughout numerous cities and…
Greek Life Welcomes Home New Stars
Oklahoma City University proudly sponsors 6 Greek Organizations – 4 sororities and 2 fraternities. During the week preceding each school year, these organizations hold formal recruitment to find new members. OCU’s recruitment process is risk-free and cost-free until you accept a bid to officially join a group. Because of these low stakes, many students take…
Stars Week Orientation Introduces New Students to Campus
At the start of every school year, Oklahoma City University hosts a weeklong new student orientation titled “Stars Week.” Stars Week brings together the entire incoming class for a week of information, tradition, and community building that is essential to OCU’s mission, and this year was no different. Stars Week spanned Monday through Saturday with…
April Activities: Best On Campus Events This Month
Check out these awesome upcoming events! Saturday 4/8: ODEI Volunteer Project Monday 4/10: OCU Easter Celebration Tuesday 4/11: Jewish American Celebration Wednesday 4/12: Campus Leadership Awards Thursday 4/13: DARE to Grow Multicultural Night Saturday 4/15: Student Leadership Summit Thursday 4/20: SAC Summer Send Off Friday 4/21: Blue Key Honor Society Spring Sing Saturday 4/22: OKConnect…
Blast from the Past: OCU Nominates Dumbest, Smartest, And More!
Did you know? Feb 11, 1929 – Angered students nearly staged a walkout after finding out their first semester grades were reduced by “too many cuts”. A good number of these students had apparently thought that they had passed only to find failures on their cards due to excessive absences. Feb 21, 1930 – Instruments…
March Madness: Best On Campus Activities This Month
Explore Some of Our Favorite Events Happening on Campus This Month! Tues. 3/7 Women in Leadership Lunch and Panel Wed 3/8 International Women’s Day ODEI International Women’s Day Movie Night Mon 3/13 Start of SPRING BREAK!! Fri 3/17 End of Spring Break St. Patrick’s Day Mon 3/20 ODEI Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Presentation Wed…
SGA to start food pantry in conjunction with local elementary school
A Student Government Association member is organizing a food pantry to benefit elementary school students.
Students given updated access to printers across campus
New printers with updated software are being installed in multiple buildings, including resident hall lobbies.
Wild at heart: animals on campuses
As OCU’s resident pair of geese have added two new members to the campus wildlife population, it’s compelling to wonder: what kind of animals are you likely to find on college campuses across the country? MediaOCU uncovers the similarities and differences of the animal residents on our campus, and those across the nation.
The science behind “a case of the Mondays”
Monday is dreaded across the world as the start of a new week of hard work and more stress. While I usually try to think particularly positively on Mondays, I began to wonder: is there some psychological preset that makes this the most dreaded day of the week for, well, nearly everyone?
‘Comparison is the thief of joy:’ how to shield yourself from negativity
“Comparison is the thief of joy,” said that philosophical 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt. But how do you resist the urge to feel inferior on a campus full of over-achievers? Here’s my take on the thorny question of comparison.
Daily routines of geniuses…and how mine measures up
I realized that I have something in common with creative geniuses from around the world. No, it isn’t my unique talent for writing sonnets, painting portraits, or composing symphonies. It’s my inherent need to schedule out my day. So how does my schedule stack up?
My budget changed my life: personal realization through organization
As a college student, saving money is often easier said than done. For the month of January, I tracked my spending. The results were more surprising than I could have imagined.
Birth and death on Facebook: milestones in the Internet Age
A new generation of Facebook users will have a presence on the social media platform before they’re born, and after they die. Is this constant media coverage a sign of progress and self-expression, or just another way to compete online?
Valentine’s Day: highs and lows of spreading the love
Few holidays are more contested than Valentine’s Day. For some, it’s an opportunity to remind their loved ones how deeply they care, and spoil them with special gifts and extra attention. For others, the day is no more than a ploy by candy and card companies to up their dwindling sales in the spring. Find out the history behind the holiday, the present celebrations, and how this columnist’s spending her weekend.
Reevaluating resolutions: how to create new goals
Lauren Matheny, web editor, gives tips and tricks for making new year goals that last.
Season’s givings: easy gifts for college students
The holidays are a time of joy, festivities, cheer, and presents. The first three don’t require much besides a cheerful disposition and a few Christmas carols, but the idea of gift giving can strike fear into the heart of broke college students everywhere.
Finishing strong: tips to make it through finals
Thanksgiving Break provides a tantalizing teaser to the joys of home: days full of family, naps, television, and home-cooked meals become the reality. But losing motivation during the final weeks of the semester can have a disastrous effect on grades and participation.
Prospective students visit campus for National Auditions
National auditions are scheduled this weekend for incoming theater and music students.Students get a chance to volunteer and help guide future students through the audition process.