Student Senate members voted to change the frequency of their meetings. The decision was made to hold meetings on a bi-monthly schedule for the Spring 2015 semester. Previously, the organization held meetings once a week.
Gold Star Building repairs scheduled for December completion
The long awaited renovation of the Gold Star Memorial Building is slated for completion in December.The building, constructed in 1953, was built in memory of the Methodists who died in World War II, according to an article alumna Amanda Alfanos wrote for The Oklahoman.
OCU officials announce chemistry lab updates
OCU officials announced plans for $2.2 million in chemistry lab upgrades during the fall Board of Trustees meeting.
SGA adjusts allotments process
Student Senate is changing its allotment process.
The changes began Sept. 24 with senators unanimously agreeing to suspend parts of the student constitution.
Student government works on transparency, allotments
When looking for help with funding, students and organizations have the opportunity to turn to student government.
Student Governmnet Association has the ability to give out money to organizations through allotments.