Meryl Streep can make any bad movie tolerable and any good movie great. This film falls into the latter category, a fine movie that is elevated tenfold thanks to the magic that is Meryl Streep.
Student grows attached to bedbugs in dorm
“I admit I was repulsed by the bedbugs at first, but my feelings changed over the month I spent with them,” Jenkins said.
The Eagle Huntress gives audiences a glimpse of a different culture
Even with all the technology and means to travel nowadays, most people still can get stuck living in their little bubble, unaware of ways of life outside their immediate vicinity. It’s bad enough inside our own country, where someone growing up in California can have a vastly different education, viewpoint or life experience than someone…
Study abroad in Spain: It’s hard to immerse yourself
People come to Europe for many reasons. My reason was to know Spain. Like conocer, know. To be so well acquainted with Spain that she is mi tía or mi abuela.
Columnist advocates for responsible stray animal rescue
I rescued four animals within four semesters at OCU. I don’t catch these animals on purpose. They just show up.
Editors advise officials to reject ex-felons as students
Just before the end of last semester, a 43-year-old student was arrested on campus for possession of methamphetamine. As it turns out, that student had three warrants out for his arrest and a felonious criminal background. Fortunately, Lt. Joshua Pankowsky recognized the man and arrested him. Despite the eventual outcome of the situation, this discovery…
Abroad in Spain: Madelyn in the air
I never thought I’d write for my college’s newspaper from thousands of feet in the air. I also didn’t think I’d be living in Spain for a semester, but I am.
Dear Crazy Kazoo Lady: a bad advice column
Crazy Kazoo Lady has life experience and is ready to share it with the world. She’ll answer your questions and give you advice on everyday problems. Email any questions to
Dear Crazy Kazoo Lady: a bad advice column
Crazy Kazoo Lady has life experience and is ready to share it with the world. She’ll answer your questions and give you advice on everyday problems. Email any questions to
La La Land: a love letter to artists that try
Those expecting a true musical may be a little disappointed, but anyone looking for a love letter to the artists that continue to try is in for a treat.
Editors encourage students to unite after election
Donald Trump became president-elect after beating Hillary Clinton by 62 electoral votes, but Clinton received almost 600,000 more popular votes than Trump.
Netflix shows, movies to consider instead of Black Mirror
Viewers only need to watch three episodes to grasp Black Mirror’s premise, so it’s a better use of your time exploring other TV shows and movies Netflix offers.
Dr. Strange follows formula but offers something new
Marvel’s latest effort, Dr. Strange, while sticking to the formula, is still able to give audiences something a little different.
Editors unhappy with the removal of chapel pews
The Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel is coming up on its 50th anniversary and has undergone some changes in the past few weeks.
SNL episode is ‘one for the ages’
Cancel all of your plans. Go to NBC immediately. Watch the Oct. 8 episode of Saturday Night Live hosted by Lin-Manuel Miranda. This just might be the best episode yet.
Mr. Robot engrossing, but seems ‘a little too familiar’
Combine today’s new image of technology with a complex and fascinating character and what do you get? You get Mr. Robot.
The Accountant cast almost makes up for poor plot
The Accountant came close in many ways to filling the action-movie void that currently plagues America, but ultimately fell short.
“Nice Guys” are underrated
“The Nice Guys” is well worth a look from fans and casual viewers alike.
15 Miss OCU pageant talent suggestions
If you’re going to compete in a pageant, don’t be afraid to choose a talent that deviates from the norm. I’m no pageant expert, but here are some ideas.
Editors encourage students to get flu vaccinations
The flu shot can be a controversial decision, but as flu season approaches, students are encouraged to protect themselves and others by getting the shot.
The Magnificent Seven will move audiences of every kind
If you find yourself at a movie theater this weekend, a ticket to The Magnificent Seven will not disappoint you.
Guide to Netflix stand-up comedy specials
Tired of sifting through the same five lame comedy suggestions when you open Netflix? This review will help ease the pain of decision-making next time you’re in the mood for stand-up comedy. There are about 50 stand-up comedy specials available on Netflix right now, but only some of them are must-sees. The first on any…
10 things OCU students have in common with Donald Trump
Regardless of our political views, OCU students cannot deny a few core similarities we share with the Republican presidential nominee.
Editors encourage housing officials to communicate more
More open lines of communication will benefit students and housing officials.
Children of Men review
Movies released in 2006 are now celebrating their 10 year anniversary. In honor of that, our film critic focuses on Children of Men.
Columnist offers advice to incoming freshmen
A letter to the incoming freshmen from a sophomore who’s just been through it.