All of this being said, where Pretty Thing might fail in shock value, it succeeds tenfold in tension and thematic material.
Feature Friday: Thanksgiving edition
Mariah Kalka, dance sophomore, shares some of her holiday thoughts and traditions.
Columnist discusses health, music in the holiday season
As the Christmas season approaches, don’t forget that we still have Thanksgiving.
New university president needs personable qualities
The role can be daunting, so the new president has to be ready.
Dear Crazy Kazoo Lady: a bad advice column
Crazy Kazoo Lady has life experience and is ready to share it with the world. She’ll answer your questions and give you advice on everyday problems. Email any questions to
10 potential presidential candidates for OCU
Here are 10 qualities we’re looking for and 10 potential candidates that have them. Any of the following choices would be perfect for the OCU presidency.
Big Mouth outshines Stranger Things in Netflix genre
The show should probably come with a disclaimer warning viewers that the jokes are at times unprecedentedly shocking and the depictions of bodily functions are not for the faint of heart.
Letter to the Editor: On Resolution 001
The resolution was in response to the events of September 29, 2017 and the greater events of racial insecurity on our campus.
Prepare for independence by tracking finances now
During this transition period between parental support and complete independence, students must learn how to handle their own finances.
Dear Crazy Kazoo Lady: a bad advice column
Crazy Kazoo Lady has life experience and is ready to share it with the world. She’ll answer your questions and give you advice on everyday problems. Email any questions to
Betty the Sunday school teacher comments on the news
Betty, the 89-year old Catholic Sunday school teacher, loves keeping up with the news (via newspapers and the radio) and sharing her opinions with her classes.
Feature Friday: Steve the caf cockroach
Many students expressed fear and revulsion when they found a cockroach near the hummus in the caf. Those who got to know little Steve, however, found him to be quite a hoot.
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper brings nostalgia
There is only one logical conclusion. Mark Twain wrote Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper.
Recent disasters prove that the environment needs help
We have to analyze what nature is telling us. She’s not doing well.
Stable tuition rates do not justify increased fees
The general university fee will increase by $10 per credit hour, making it $125 per hour.
Gary the Ghost comments on the news
Gary the Ghost is a world-renowned Halloween icon and news expert.
It remake takes on life of its own as comedy, horror
Based on Stephen King’s 1986 novel of the same name, the story follows a group of children living in Derry, Maine, a town known for its high rate of unsolved disappearances.
Columnist praises satiric news as a way to stay informed
I’ve discussed the importance of staying informed in past columns, and I’m going to use my weekly opportunity to preach about staying informed yet again.
Survivors who stay silent during trend remain valid
People should remain sensitive and not pressure survivors to share their experiences just because of a trend.
Feature Friday: Andrew Satterberg
Andrew Satterberg, second-year graduate student in tuba performance, has several interests aside from perfecting the glorious bellow of the most majestic brass instrument.
Dear Crazy Kazoo Lady: a bad advice column
Crazy Kazoo Lady has life experience and is ready to share it with the world. She’ll answer your questions and give you advice on everyday problems. Email any questions to
Mick the pizza delivery boy comments on the news
Mick, the 20-year-old Domino’s pizza boy, works the night delivery shift and lives in his parents’ basement by day. Here are the opinions he has to share.
Feature Friday: Bailey serves it chill
Bailey Huerta, acting sophomore, shares her experiences and thoughts on topics from flirting to superstition.
Feature Friday: Michał (almost Michael)
Michał Roguski, chemistry sophomore, moved to the U.S. from Poland the day before his freshman year at OCU.
Newest Witherspoon film lacks suspense, complexity
The film Home Again tells the story of a mother and her daughters in the aftermath of a marital separation.
Columnist discourages the assignment of group projects
OCU is a diverse school. In our core classes, at any given time, there are students studying in many different majors.