As an athlete, along with getting older, I have learned through the years the importance of diet. Your diet correlates directly with how you feel and how you perform. However, whether you’re an athlete or not, diet will influence your mood, sleep and energy. If you’re an athlete who wants to get bigger and stronger…
April Activities: Best On Campus Events This Month
Check out these awesome upcoming events! Saturday 4/8: ODEI Volunteer Project Monday 4/10: OCU Easter Celebration Tuesday 4/11: Jewish American Celebration Wednesday 4/12: Campus Leadership Awards Thursday 4/13: DARE to Grow Multicultural Night Saturday 4/15: Student Leadership Summit Thursday 4/20: SAC Summer Send Off Friday 4/21: Blue Key Honor Society Spring Sing Saturday 4/22: OKConnect…
March Madness: Best On Campus Activities This Month
Explore Some of Our Favorite Events Happening on Campus This Month! Tues. 3/7 Women in Leadership Lunch and Panel Wed 3/8 International Women’s Day ODEI International Women’s Day Movie Night Mon 3/13 Start of SPRING BREAK!! Fri 3/17 End of Spring Break St. Patrick’s Day Mon 3/20 ODEI Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Presentation Wed…
Dear Crazy Kazoo Lady: a bad advice column
Crazy Kazoo Lady has life experience and is ready to share it with the world. She’ll answer your questions and give you advice on everyday problems. Email any questions to
Add some hours to your day: tips for hectic schedules
How many times have you caught yourself saying, “If only there were more hours in the day!” Fortunately, there are ways to make the day easier, and use time wisely. Here are a few tips for making the most of each day’s time.
Weather apps for a rainy day
April showers bring May flowers to Oklahoma–but they also bring the risk of severe weather to our state. When severe storms hit, most people flip on the TV or turn on the radio to check our local forecast. But for those of us kept busy with rehearsals, practices, and classes, it can be difficult to get accurate weather reports. Here are some apps designed to do just that: alert you when severe storm is in the area, and tell you when it’s safe to stay out, and when it’s time to take cover.
Spring cleaning, the college way
Ah, spring. A time of bunnies, allergies, and the inevitable realization that your room has gone from a winter wonderland to a disaster zone. Here are some tips to ease the spring cleaning blues.
‘Fat is not a feeling:’ Facebook changes controversial status option
In this tech-heavy area, many social media users post emoticons (those cute little smiley faces that can exhibit almost any expression on the spectrum) without a second thought.But some Facebook users insist that one particular emoticon, far from being harmless, poses an extreme risk to body image and confidence in users.
Weathering winter driving in OKC
Coming from the icy tundra of Wisconsin, I thought driving during the Oklahoma winter would be easy. But the recent stream of winter weather had me brushing up my skills. Here are some tips for driving in the ice and snow.
Valentine’s Day: highs and lows of spreading the love
Few holidays are more contested than Valentine’s Day. For some, it’s an opportunity to remind their loved ones how deeply they care, and spoil them with special gifts and extra attention. For others, the day is no more than a ploy by candy and card companies to up their dwindling sales in the spring. Find out the history behind the holiday, the present celebrations, and how this columnist’s spending her weekend.
Try to remember: tips for avoiding brain blanks
Find your mind going blank? Here are a few tips to help improve your memory and avoid forgetfulness.