The concerns of the candidates included the involvement of students in official and public capacities.
Evans officially recognized as university president
After much delay President Evans was inaugurated on April 7. Campus, state and cultural leaders attended the event in support.
President Evans will be inaugurated on April 7
The festivities for the inauguration will be themed “Weaving together the OCU family.”
President Evans initiates homeless initiative
Homelessness remains a major problem in our community and will only become worse due to urbanization.
OCU Stars finish outdoor games with four top positions
Oklahoma City University ended up with four top positions in the outdoor season-opening games at the Oklahoma Baptist Invitational.
Law school hosts discussion on Greenwood Race Massacre
Hannibal Johnson who has been inducted to both the Tulsa and Oklahoma Halls of Fame spoke at the event.
Berning inducted to golf hall of fame
Susie Maxwell Berning was inducted into the golf hall of fame on March 9, 2022, after a two-year delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
SGA Roundtable focuses on disability and access
The event featured the Assistant Director for Disability and Access Services, Kara Morrow. The roundtable was part of a series of discussions hosted by SGA.
Opinion: The future of SGA
SGA candidates and senator-elects share why they are applying for these positions.
President Evans pushes for online programs
The university is starting the initiative by offering an RN-to-BSN program and MSN program at the nursing school.
SGA campaigns start soon, elections are next
Voting for SGA positions begins Monday, April 4 at 8 a.m. and closes Tuesday, April 5 at 5 p.m.
Provost candidate Timothy Pinnow visits OCU
Pinnow is one of three candidates applying for the position of provost. President Kenneth Evans will make the final decision on the selection of the provost candidate.
Professor hosts roundtable on the invasion of Ukraine
The panel featured members of the Oklahoma Ukrainian community and Nina Murray, a U.S. foreign service officer who was born in Ukraine.
Provost candidate Diane Nell visits OCU
Nell is one of three candidates applying for the position of provost. President Kenneth Evans will make the final decision on the selection of the provost candidate.
Virtual Career Fair Connected Students to Employers
Career Services hosted a career week for students from Feb. 14-20. The virtual platform Handshake supported many activities.
Editorial: A reflection on Black History Month
We acknowledge that African Americans have been victims of systematic oppression.
Opinion: Theatre History must reflect the richness of world cultures
Dr. Amy Osatinski explains why the Theatre History course was altered. She says theatre history often dismisses the contributions non-European cultures.
Three snow days halt university operations
The closures disrupted in-person and remote classes. Chief Dexter Nelson gives an overview of police operations.
Season 2 of “Blue Table Talk” announced
Dr. Carroll said the new season will focus on how law intersects with diversity, and how strategy and branding fit into marketing.
University to take action to improve exterior lighting
According to university officials, the campus lighting is not good enough. Improper lighting makes it more difficult to deter crime.
Meet the provost candidates
Three candidates are being considered for the position of provost. The university is holding sessions so that stakeholders can meet the candidates.
OCU’s BIT Changes to CARE
OCU’s student referral service for students exhibiting signs of distress has changed its name to CARE.
SharePoint data vulnerability has been resolved
University records were accessible on the SharePoint server. The university says that student information has not compromised.
OCU Narrows prospects for new athletic director
Oklahoma City University has narrowed the pool of athletic director candidates down to three. They include Corey Bray, Lindy Roberts Ivy, and Daniel Garret.
Law School hosts conference on criminal justice reform
The event was an opportunity for judges, officers, lawyers, officials, and civic leaders to speak on problems in the criminal justice system.
President Evans’ Inauguration Delayed
OCU will still celebrate the inauguration of Kenneth R. Evans this semester.