A new Russian language course is being offered at OCU that has never been offered in previous years. The course will be offered in the fall 2020 semester. This class will be taught by Sabina Amanbayeva, assistant professor of English. Amanbayeva started teaching in the department about a year and a half ago. “It has…
Professor adds puppets to online instruction
While English Diction might not sound like the most fun class to some, an OCU vocal coaching instructor used puppets to entertain his students while teaching.
OCU offers credit/no-credit option
OCU officials recently decided to offer a credit/no-credit option for the spring semester due to the remote learning adjustment caused by COVID-19.
Stage Management professor named 2020 Outstanding Faculty member
Jeff Cochran, professor of stage and production management, was recently named the 2020 Outstanding Faculty Award recipient.
Student starts petition for pass/fail classes
A student started a petition to change OCU’s grading process to pass/fail for the remainder of the semester.
Education seniors move online, receive pass on field work
Education seniors will still receive teaching certification, despite not being able to continue in-person student teaching because of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Students and faculty adapt to online format
Students and faculty have finished their first week of virtual classes after OCU switched to online for the remainder of the semester due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
New motion capture room offers many academic possibilities
OCU now has a motion capture room which will allow students to work with virtual reality.
Official creates Mass Comm professional advisory board
The OCU Department of Mass Communications has created a new advisory board called the “communications council.”
Acting professor utilizes forgotten music recording studio
An acting professor discovered an unused recording studio in the Wanda L. Bass Music Center.
New history professor joins faculty, adapts to OCU life
The new history professor is adjusting to life at OCU.
College of Arts and Sciences to form esports management track
Game Design and Animation is starting a new esports track at OCU.
TESOL providing undergraduate program for students to teach abroad
The TESOL program is offering a new undergraduate certificate program.
Beginning, intermediate Russian courses to be offered in Fall semester
English and modern languages officials announced the department will offer Beginning Russian I next semester.
English fraternity members seek entries for publication
Sigma Tau Delta’s literary publication, The Scarab, is accepting submissions of prose, poetry, script, and visual art.
Event to help prepare seniors for graduation
Gateway to Graduation will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Feb. 14-15 in the campus bookstore in Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center.
Presidential search kept confidential, updates minimal
Officials plan for OCU’s 18th president to take office in July, but the search committee refuses to discuss progress on finding President Henry’s replacement.
New Student Orientation positions open
Colbi Beam said she is looking for students who are great role models, and people who are willing to share their success stories with new students.
Ethics Bowl places third, advances to Chicago for national competition
The Ethics Bowl is a competition in which students debate ethical cases covering a wide range of disciplines, including law, medicine, political science, and journalism.
Officials partner with OSU for study abroad program
There is a new study abroad program in Greece beginning in the summer of 2018.
Scholarships offered to St. Gregory’s students
University officials are attempting to help St. Gregory’s University’s displaced students.
Officials offer free applications to St. Gregory’s transfers
University officials advertised free admission application fees for transfer students from St. Gregory’s University.
Trustees elect to increase university fees
Tuition will not change next academic year, but some fees will increase.
President Henry announces tuition and fees for 2018-19
Tuition will not change for OCU’s 2018-19 school year, but several fees will increase.
Retention committee focuses on first-year experience
The student retention committee is making first-year experience their priority.
President Henry returns to office
President Robert Henry is back in office after a medical leave of absence.