For some students, whether or not to get the flu shot is a tough, controversial decision. Few people enjoy receiving the vaccine, but as flu season approaches, students are encouraged to protect themselves and others by getting the shot.
The flu shot protects recipients from various strains of the flu virus. It changes each year to combat the strains expected that season. The peak of flu season usually occurs in January, but viruses can appear in October. The vaccine takes about two weeks to start protecting recipients, so the sooner everyone gets the vaccine, the better.
Some students opposed to the vaccine argue that the shot could give them the flu, instead of preventing it. The CDC dismisses this fear, saying the shot cannot cause influenza because it does not contain active flu viruses. Possible side effects experienced from the vaccine include soreness or fever, but these are short-lived and much less severe than the flu, according to the CDC.
The vaccine can be dangerous for people with autoimmune deficiencies, so consult your doctor if you are worried about the vaccine’s effects on your immune system. People who can receive the vaccine should help their immunocompromised peers by getting the vaccine and protecting themselves and their friends from the virus.
Some students expressed worry that, since the vaccine changes every year, the flu virus eventually will mutate enough that it will resist all medication and create a deadly supervirus. Scientists disproved this claim. LiveScience recognizes that bacteria can evade an antibiotic and make their offspring resistant as well, but vaccines work differently.
“Vaccinations prime the immune system for the possible encounter with a virus,” LiveScience wrote. “There is no evidence of this [supervirus] happening.”
Many people avoid the shot due to fear of needles, but they have an alternative option. Flu vaccines also are offered in a nasal spray. This method is slightly different because it contains live viruses, but the viruses are weakened, making potential side effects mild and short-lived, according to the CDC’s website,
“Influenza is a serious disease, and an annual flu vaccine is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get seasonal flu and spread it to others,” the website reads. “When more people get vaccinated against the flu, less flu can spread through that community.”
The flu shot is offered from 1-4 p.m. Mondays and from 8:30-11 a.m. Thursdays at the Campus Health Center.
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