Transparency is commonly lacking across the campus of Oklahoma City University, especially regarding campus safety and administration addressing those matters.
Recently, OCU was featured in the news after a break-in on campus, yet no mention of the event was made to students.
However, greater than the lack of communication is the lack of action taken to ensure the safety of our campus.
There are multiple doors, gates and access points into buildings that can pose serious threats to safety as they are easily compromised and accessible to anyone, regardless of university affiliation or not.
Doors can be forcibly opened despite ID access being the only way into the buildings. Parking garage gates also remain open, allowing unwanted visitors proximity to students’ housing, which could be dangerous.
Similarly, the automatic doors into residence halls pose an interesting dilemma as they are convenient and accessible, however the length of time they remain open for may be excessive, as it leaves time for others, potentially unwanted visitors, to enter undetected behind students.
The openness of the campus to the broader community is one of the draws of OCU, as we feel part of the vibrant city, but it does not come without risks.
To exist in such an environment, it is essential that both the university AND the students living on campus do their part in keeping the university safe.
Students are encouraged to always keep their doors locked and to report any suspicious behavior at once.
The campus police are a tremendous resource for the university to promote safety and, hopefully, serve to prevent horrendous occasions.
The combination of campus police presence, a more transparent line of communication within the university and each student taking active responsibility to be safe and conscious will help the campus become a safer environment for all.