The second Student Senate meeting was held on September 25th and saw the swearing-in of new Freshman At-Large senators, the swearing-in of a new Associate Justice of the Student Court and the first Grant Funding Requests to be brought to the Student Senate’s attention.
The meeting began with an executive report from Student Government Association President, Anthony Carranza, explaining that every senator must write at least one piece of legislation to bring before the Student Senate each semester.
The meeting continued with the unanimous approval of the past meeting minutes and the swearing in of new Freshman At-Large senators: Nathan Hobbs and Alex Sosa, as well as the swearing in of new Associate Justice of the Student Court, Jamison Ko. Sworn in by Chief Justice Sonny Tabor, Ko finally sealed the last seat on the Student Court.
This was followed by Grant Funding Request 005-2324 by Blue Goes Green, a campus sustainability organization, for $231 to cover supplies.
Blue Goes Green President, Angelina Jordan, explained that the funding would be applied to materials needed for the organization’s Sustainability Week in October, with canvas bags, stickers, advertisements, and others being quoted.
The request was unanimously passed via a vote-by-roll-call.
Grant Funding Request 007-2324 by the Jerry B. Vannatta Student Society, an organization within the Physician’s Assistant Program, was next up on the agenda.
A representative of the organization explained that the request was for $2,000 to cover the cost of scrubs for the class, which is a request that has formerly been brought before the Student Senate.
With another roll call vote, the Grant Funding Request was also unanimously passed, and the meeting adjourned quickly after.
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