We are Brittany Wyatt and Robert Gonzalez and we are running for SGA president and vice president. Brittany is a junior Political Science major who currently serves as the vice president of SGA and has been involved with SGA since she was a freshman. Robert is a junior Music Education major who currently serves as the Junior at-Large senator and this is his second year being a part of SGA.
During our time in SGA, [we] have worked with and for the students at OCU. We hear the needs of the students and we have come up with real solutions to real problems that exist on our campus. This is why we hope to be your next SGA president and vice president, to continue making needed changes.
We have a passion to serve others and the experience to be the next student leaders of OCU. Running on what we like to call our, “TripleA,” platform; accountability, advocacy, and accessibility, we are dedicated to making OCU a place that everyone knows they belong at. Be together (estar juntos), rise together (aumento juntos), is not a saying we came up with overnight. It is a task that we do not take lightly. We know the impact that collaboration and transparency have on stewarding deliberate and meaningful change. We understand that students needs are urgent and continuously evolving.
Some ideas we have come up with to meet the needs we see on our campus are; Spanish-Inclusive signage on campus, more transparency from the university on communication with the students, creating a Campus Development Committee that is committed to partnering students with university officials to find solutions to areas of concern, urging the university to hire a crisis counselor, installing a Mental Health/Wellness week for students to help ease burn-out and improve overall student experience, and hosting and bringing in educated officials to lead consent talks to equip our students with the tools to understand this topic. These are just a few of the ideas we bring to the table.
We have already begun this work towards these goals, but in order to finish it, we need the students’ vote. We know that in collaboration with a new student senate and SGA executive board, the voices of the student body will be heard and action will be taken. OCU students, you are our WHY. You are the reason we do what we do.
We will be hosting different events March 28 through April 5 where students can have the opportunity to meet us and get to learn more about our platform.
You can learn more about the campaign here: @brittanyandrobert4sga
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