BreAuna Shaw and Amanda Gonzalez are both junior marketing majors and social media minors with plans to graduate in Spring 2023. Both Candidates are current RAs on campus and plan to utilize their skills to bring more programming and student life development to SGA. The Shaw-Gonzalez campaign believes in prioritizing trust and transparency. This means relationships must be built and voices must be heard.

Vice presidential candidate, Amanda Gonzalez, has served on SGA for one semester with her current position as the Junior-at-Large Senator. Amanda is also involved in Phi Mu Sorority. Although relatively new to SGA, Amanda’s personable and positive skills will promote change on campus. She plans to conduct legislative ideas that will benefit the well-being and longevity of OCU.
“Everyone has a voice, as vice president, I will ensure that the voice of the student body is heard by connecting students to their senators and by helping those relationships be built on trust. By further publicizing senators and SGA legislation, I will create more opportunities for students to ‘bring things to the table.’ SGA cannot move forward without the innovative ideas and collaborative efforts of the student body.”
Presidential candidate, BreAuna Shaw, has served on SGA for two years with her current executive position in SGA being Secretary of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. She has experience as a senator, Chief-of-Staff, and SGA Executive member. BreAuna also has experience serving in a Presidential role. She just completed her transition from president of OCU’s Black Student Association.
BreAuna seeks to collaborate with students by first creating an environment of trust and transparency between SGA members and the overall OCU student body. “This will build a strong sense of unity. If we present our ideas, questions, and concerns to university faculty/staff/leadership in unity, we will begin to see true results! To actually see action, students need to be unified in that voice.”
The Shaw-Gonzalez campaign understands that collaboration and service are required when representing a student-body of various backgrounds and personalities. Members of marginalized communities have historically and in some spaces, still do not have a voice or a “seat at the table.” With their campaign slogan “You Have A Seat at our table,” this campaign promotes a sense of unity with the word “our.”
This campaign works to include and empower students to collaborate and voice their opinion in unity. In their core values advocate, challenge, and tackle, the two candidates Advocate for the student body by first prioritizing student groups that are often unheard, challenge OCU to be curious and open-minded, and tackle issues and barriers head-on and without fear.
Between Amanda, a new senator and transfer from OCCC, and BreAuna serving SGA for years as a traditional student, the two candidates bring two unique perspectives to SGA.
You can learn more about the campaign here: @bremanda4sga
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