We live in a society in which our information is a commodity.
We are accustomed to our data being collected, bought, and sold.
The internet allows institutions to collect and distribute our information on a massive scale.
Institutions use our data to influence our and their own decisions.
Our data is stored in our computers, browsers, apps, and third-party servers.
When our information is compromised, it can be used against us.
Far too often our data is exploited by individuals lacking honesty and integrity.
In these cases, our information is used to access our resources through infiltration and coercion.
We do not always have control over what data is collected, shared, stored, and accessed.
While protecting our data is in our interests, we are not always capable of doing so.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of the institutions storing our data to secure it.
Our data is a representation of who we are and it conveys our thoughts and values.
We commend institutions that are mindful of the information they collect and store.
We ask that all institutions collecting personal data make every effort to secure it.
We are grateful for the work Campus Technology Services has done to protect personal information.
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