An old university tradition has emerged with official university backing. Alumni and graduates will now be given an opportunity to sign the famous Gold Star. Megan Hornbeek, Executive Director of Alumni Engagement and University Advancement, organized much of the event.
“Legend has it, students have been sneaking upstairs to sign the Gold Star building for decades, tracing back to the 1960s,” Hornbeek said.
Alumni will climb to the seventh floor to sign their names. Accommodations were made in the form of a plaque for those unable to climb.
“Moving forward, during graduation week, all new graduates will be invited to join the legacy of Stars who have established a strong foundation of which we can be proud,” Hornbeek explained.
At the signing, President Evans met with attendees and watched them sign the star. Thirty individuals attended the event including university leadership, student government, alumni, and members of the student foundation.
The Gold Star building was originally constructed as a monument to recognize alumni that were killed in the second world war.
“The signing of the Gold Star tradition honors the original memorial while creating an opportunity to recognize the grief, loss, and new beginnings that took place during the 2020 and 2021 graduation years,” Hornbeek said.
Students who cannot make the graduation ceremony will be given an additional chance to sign the Gold Star building. Graduates will not be allowed to wear their cap and gown to the seventh floor.
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