These last couple weeks adjusting with changes due to COVID-19 have been filled to the brim with uncertainty. One thing that’s always consistent in our life is music, and now is certainly no exception. While this pandemic should be taken very seriously, I think we can all use some silliness right now. That being said, please enjoy this playlist of “quarantunes” that walk you through the journey of a college student’s reaction to the coronavirus.
“Should I Stay or Should I Go” – The Clash
You just found out campus will hold classes online remotely for two weeks following spring break. The university recommends you go home, but Campus Housing releases a form to get approved to stay on campus. The weight of the situation has not yet dawned, and you can’t decide if you should go home or stay on campus for the three weeks. This song is a jam that will surely aid in the decision-making process.
“I Don’t Know Where I Stand” – Joni Mitchell
Whether you decided to go home or stay on campus, you’re not sure what lies ahead for the rest of the semester. Schools across the country transitioned to online classes for the remainder of the semester. The soothing vocals of Joni Mitchell make you feel better as you anxiously await an official email from the university.
“Hands Clean” – Alanis Morisette
This bop is self-explanatory! Wash your hands!
“Get Out and Stay Out” – “9 to 5 the Musical”
Halfway through spring break, OCU officially decides to cancel in-person classes for the remainder of the semester, and students are forced to come back to campus and move out of their campus dorms. Out of state students are inconvenienced as they scramble for plane tickets, storage units and begin long road trips. This classic showtune perfectly captures the angst of the situation.
“Not Your Fault” – AWOLNATION
While students are upset, we acknowledge the university is doing their best to react to this international pandemic, and we are thankful for their guidance! Nobody knows what’s happening—including them! Hahahahaha…
“Coming Home” – Leon Bridges
Everyone eventually moves out and goes home! I will acknowledge most students will be going home to their parents, and this is a love song, but I just really like Leon Bridges so we’ll roll with it.
“Nowhere to Run” – Martha Reeves & the Vandellas
You start getting creative with at-home workouts because all the gyms are closed!
“SICKO MODE” – Travis Scott
You cough in public and are given a myriad of cold shoulders. You’re not sure if you have coronavirus or normal spring allergies. Even if you’re young and healthy, you know you should practice social distancing as to not spread the virus to others. You decide to self-quarantine or, in the words of Travis Scott, go into “Sicko Mode.”
“The Show Must Go On” – Queen
The show must go on, figuratively, of course, as all performances and competitions are cancelled. We’ll continue to take classes online and stay positive!
“Who’s Zoomin’ Who?” – Aretha Franklin
Zoom becomes your best friend as you use it to stream into classes and video chat friends!
“Dancing On My Own” – Robyn
For performance majors, dance classes are pretty hard to take online. It’s time to break out those leotards and tap boards! This may be the only time Ann Lacy actually wants you to dance on a non-approved floor!
“When Will My Life Begin” – Tangled Soundtrack
The perfect song to get you in your Rapunzel feels as you wait for life to go back to normal. You might as well watch the movie as well while you’re at it. Better yet, cast your family members as the characters and do a live reenactment!
“The Cure”- Lady Gaga
Eventually, a cure will be found, the curve will flatten and we’ll get past this pandemic!
“The Boys Are Back” – High School Musical 3 Cast Recording Finally, the song to blast when all those who didn’t graduate get to reunite in the fall!
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