Starting this semester, two students on campus have decided to create a book club solely focused on the Harry Potter series.
Fabius Bascon and Alexandra Eckelbarger, acting sophomores, have begun developing this club to get members of the campus community together to talk about the well-known series.
“I had an inkling of this idea my first semester of freshman year, but I didn’t do anything with it until now. But I just realized that I hadn’t been reading for leisure the way I used to, which was all the time,” Bascon said. “What better way to get back into reading for pleasure than with a series that if you haven’t even read it, you probably know what happens, and if you haven’t even seen the movies, you still probably know what happens because of the internet.”
The two do not have a set goal regarding how many books they plan read this semester, but they said anyone should feel free to join and not worry about adding more to their workload with this group.
“We want to read it and be at a pace that everyone feels comfortable with rather than drowning them on top of schoolwork,” Bascon said. “So we are being very go-with-the-flow about how much we read and get through.”
They also plan to include activities such as games and events connected to both the books and movies that everyone on campus is invited to.
“There are also so many well established fun activities and games and stuff to do with Harry Potter that we can incorporate into the club like people’s houses and things,” Eckelbarger said. “We talked about possibly for some destress weeks more towards finals or midterms, having themed parties or something like ‘come in your house colors,’ and if you don’t know it, we will have Pottermore set up for you to find out. We aren’t sure if we are going to be able to make it through the first three books this semester or just one book, but we were thinking that after we finish each book to have a movie night and watch the corresponding movie together, possibly even trying to rent out a theater on campus to watch them in.”
As of right now, the group does not have any financial requirements for members and is set to have the first meeting on 11:00 a.m. Jan. 26 in the Honors Lounge in Goldstar Memorial Building.
“We are going to be reading the first three chapters of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and just do a trial run to see what the club is going to be like for our first meeting,” Bascon said.
The two said they encourage both those who have read the series before and those who have not to participate in the club.
“We are going to keep it relatively spoiler free and try to avoid jumping ahead and spoiling anything for people who haven’t read the books or watched the movies before,” Eckelbarger said.
The book club can be found on Facebook, or onInstagram at the handle @hbpcstars.
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