Dear Ms. Marty Pants,
I’ve never seen an opera but my friend is in the one coming up. How do I not get bored?
Sincerely, student athlete
Dear student athlete,
Even though you’ve never seen an opera before, I don’t think it’ll be too unfamiliar an experience. In operas, people sing everything they say, so it’s basically like a typical day on campus with all the MTs!
Dear Ms. Marty Pants,
Someone backed into my car the other day and this is the third time that’s happened to me! What should I do?
Sincerely, insurance on speed-dial
Dear insurance on speed-dial,
Well for starters, you should probably stop parking behind people!
Dear Ms. Marty Pants,
It’s officially cold and flu season and the bug has gotten me! I feel terrible, but unfortunately, I have to continue with my responsibilities (like school and work). How can I cope?
Sincerely, sick and tired
Dear sick and tired,
If you’re still going to go to school and work, it’s important you don’t get anyone else sick. I recommend renting one of those giant inflatable hamster wheels to get around! It may not be very efficient, but I promise it’ll be fun!
Sincerely, Ms. Marty Pants
Ms. Marty Pants is an expert on life and loves to give back to the community with her acclaimed problem-solving skills. Email any questions to Ms. Pants’s secretary at fiacovacci@my.okcu.edu.
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