Career services is hosting an event to help international students get settled after they graduate.
OCU alumni and Immigration Lawyer Matthew Stump will host a forum in order to help students who plan to settle in the United States after they finish their time at OCU.
“It is our H1V Visa forum,” said Kanika Brown, director of career services. “Every year Matthew Stump comes and talks to our international students.”
Brown said the forum will be for international students who are planning to stay in the United states.
The forum is in place to answer any questions that foreign students may have about the process of becoming a citizen and staying in the United States to work.
“The one great thing about it is whatever questions they have, any questions that the students have, Matthew is very open to answer,” Brown said.
Brown said Stump will introduce them to the types of forms they will need to fill out to successfully work in the United States.
“Students can ask him questions like ‘I graduate in May, but I am interested in working,’” Brown said.
The forum will teach international students about all of the different opportunities they will have upon graduation.
“There are certain companies that will pay for their actual OPT or their visa,” Brown said. “He gives them statistics and numbers that they can be on the lookout for.”
OPT refers to the Optional Practical Training period during which students can work for one year on a student visa towards getting practical training to complement their education.
Mikel Kendrick, acting sophomore, said he thinks the forum could help make the international students feel more connected to the campus.
“I think it’s a great idea,” Kendrick said. “I feel like the more events we can do to incorporate them into campus life and student life, to give them more opportunities to meet people and feel more like they belong on campus.”
The visa forum will be 12-1 p.m. on Nov. 19 in CETL 214.
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