Game Design and Animation is starting a new esports track at OCU.
The College of Arts and Sciences is currently in the works of creating an esports degree that will focus on the business side of managing esports events.
Jeff Price, professor for game design and animation and OCU esports director, said the track was an initiative of the dean of arts and sciences and involves every department on campus.
Price said specifically Amy Cataldi, dean of Petree College of Arts and Sciences, was the real driving force for starting the new esports degree in the communication department.
Cataldi said the proposed esports degree is a joint effort featuring many mass communications courses and several from the exercise and sport science department as well.
“This degree has only recently entered the university’s approval matrix, and we are hopeful it is met with widespread support,” said Cataldi.
Cataldi said the department is hopeful that this track is the forefront for degree offerings related to the widespread interest in esports.
There are currently only a few degrees offered around the country similar to this track.
“We are very excited to bring this opportunity to our students, and think it will have significant recruitment impact” said Cataldi.
Cataldi said while she did initially conceptualize and develop the degree, Beth Adele, director of mass communcations, is coordinating the effort.
Anyone interested in the new esports track should reach out to Beth Adele with any further questions or concerns.
Austin Hogue, music senior, is the president of the student esports organization.
“From what I’ve been told, the degree will focus on esports management acting as a business degree and teaching students how to approach the esports market industry,” said Hogue.
Hogue said because the track is brand new and only in the works, very few people know about it.
“To my knowledge, the track is still in the planning phase and must be approved before it can officially be announced,” said Hogue.
For more information on the esports track reach out to Beth Adele in the mass communications department.
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