With of all the negativity that is being spread, I would like to shed light and hope on what seems like a dark time for OCU.
I have received and posted so many people’s compliments on this page, from every major, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. It warms my heart that so many of the students here still take the time to bring each other up.
While things might seem hopeless, we must remember this: love is stronger than hate. If we stand together to build each other up and call out when we see injustice, we become part of the solution. As the future generation, we have the right and responsibility to be the change we want to see in the world.
So, how do we do this? How do we spread kindness and stomp out the hate? Here are five things we can do to start:
1. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
While this may seem like second nature, many forget this. Before you speak, just think “How would it feel if someone said this about me?”
2. Educate yourself on different cultures:
Ignorance is not bliss. There are so many diverse cultures in this nation. Learning more about them leads to compassion. We are in school to learn: let’s learn all we can.
3. Become the leaders we want to have: Join clubs, volunteer, reach out and help.
4. Support and encourage others to be kind. There is strength in numbers.
5. Be kind to yourself. Kindness comes from within you.
What do you do to spread a positive message? There is no wrong answers when it comes to spreading kindness!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and be sure to friend us on Facebook.
With love,
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