Students have expressed frustration with recent events on campus, and Student Government Association leaders are working to represent students’ voices.
In the wake of Resolution 001, which called for Greek houses Kappa Sigma and Alpha Phi to suspend operations after a racial slur was used as a team name, students have realized that their voices can make an impact if they direct it through the proper channels.
Resolution 001 has expanded the powers of SGA and become a way for the student body to hold itself accountable for its own actions.
Students in the multicultural coalition were able to make their voices heard through reaching out to their SGA senators, who then drafted the resolution. They made significant changes in the student body just by talking to their senators about how they felt they were treated on campus.
Recently, SGA has initiated two different commissions, the Pads and Tampons commission and the Student-Animal Waste commission, to address issues students expressed concern about.S
SGA has the capability to improve student life, but unless students speak to the people representing them, SGA won’t have a clear idea of what students want.
SGA is supposed to be the voice of the students, and without students’ support, their voice has no purpose.
It is also important for students to reach out to SGA when they feel like officials are making a mistake or they disagree with a bill or resolution being passed. It is easy for one to feel as though their opinion doesn’t matter against everyone else’s, but it does. SGA supports discourse about all issues presented to them, and they welcome productive disagreements and arguments.
Students can reach out to their senators by going to the SGA page on Engage. Students can also email their individual senators with any inquiries or concerns they might have.
Students should also try to attend senate meetings. The Sept. 19 senate meeting was one of the most attended meetings in recent memory with over 100 students. If students keep up this sort of attendance, the communication between SGA and the student body will be much more impactful and effective.
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