“Dear Ms. Marty Pants,
I’m feeling really homesick this week. Any advice?
Sincerely, new Oklahoman”
Dear new Oklahoman,
I usually prefer to be at home when I’m sick, but if that’s not your cup of tea, just go outside! I’d recommend keeping your distance from people if you’re contagious, or else everyone will be home, sick.
“Dear Ms. Marty Pants,
It’s officially fall but still feels like summer. How can I get in the spooky mood when it’s still so hot out?
Sincerely, Autumn”
Dear Autumn,
The fact that it’s this hot in October is probably an indication of climate change, and I’d argue that’s spookier than anything!
“Dear Ms. Marty Pants,
I got all of my shots but I haven’t turned in my immunization records yet. How do I do that?
Sincerely, that guy”
Dear that guy,
Honestly, what matters is that you’ve received all your vaccines. I don’t think it’s that important to turn the records in. Students love getting mass emails to remind them of what only a few have forgotten!
Sincerely, Ms. Marty Pants
Ms. Marty Pants is an expert on life and loves to give back to the community with her acclaimed problem-solving skills. Email any questions to Ms. Pants’ secretary at fiacovacci@my.okcu.edu.
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