Faculty Statement to the Campus Community:
We affirm the moral and intellectual necessity of an open and tolerant environment for meaningful teaching and learning to take place. Students, staff, and faculty of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender expressions deserve unconditionally to feel safe, seen, and welcome on campus. We encourage all campus community members to reflect on their personal and professional relationship to diversity and inclusion and to engage in critical dialogue with others.
American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Oklahoma City University Chapter
Lisa Wolfe, President
Billy Palumbo, Secretary
AAUP Participants:
Sharon Betsworth
Bryan Cardinale-Powell
Tracy Floreani
Laurie Kauffman
Leslie Long
Joe Meinhart
Karen Youmans
Beth Adele
Steve Agee
Linda Barren
Kent Buchanan
Kristen Burkholder
Dia Campbell-Detrixhe
Karen Coe Miller
Lindsey Cole
Mark Davies
Lisa Delgado Brown
Liz Diener
Susan Dillard
Robert Dorman
David Easley
David Engebretson
Bryan Farha
Jessica Fay
Jason Flores
Jason Foreman
Lani Garner
Paul Gebb
Andy Gibson
Mark Griffin
Kelly Holst
Jake Johnson
Maria Jones
Brandon Katzir
Edward Knight
Cene’ Livingston
James Ma
Randy Macon
Pam Melson
Gregory Mullen
Judith Palladino
David Pasto
Terry Phelps
Melissa Plamann
Amanda Porter
Zack Reaves
Tammie Reggio
Robert Roensch
Shannon Roesler
Adam Ryburn
Lois Salmeron
Sarah Sarver
Shao, Yi
Bill Sharp
Melanie Shelley
Bob Spinks
Carla Spivack
John Starkey
Amy Thiessen
Randi Von Ellefson
Justin Wareham
Joseph Wenda
Liz Willner
Harbour Winn
Charlotte Wood-Wilson
Vanessa Wright
Additional Signers:
Sabina Amanbayeva
Christa Bentley
Blue Clark
Mohamed Daadaoui
Kyle Dean
Imad Enchassi
Laurie Jones
Matthew Mailman
Robin Meyers
Jennifer Prilliman
Christina Wolf
The American Association of University Professors is a non-profit organization of professors and other academics in the United States.
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