OCU Stripped is opening their season with the musical Pippin.
Stripped is a student-run organization that arranges two musical productions on campus each year. The organization is strictly student-funded, so every production that is put on is minimalistic regarding set, props and costumes. Every aspect of the show is run and designed by students.
Celina James, music theater senior, is the director of this semester’s Stripped production.
James said the process is very quick, lasting only two weeks with a couple days of tech.
“Basically, our process is starting at the top of the show and working our way to the end,” James said.
James said the production includes many different majors such as music theater, acting and vocal performance.
Reid Saari, acting sophomore, is cast in the show’s ensemble and “Pippin” understudy.
Pippin is Saari’s second Stripped show at OCU, and he said it is a great environment to get involved in.
“Stripped is a great professional work environment and organization that allows students to take on leadership positions,” Saari said.
Saari said Pippin is a terrific show and will be superb to watch stripped down.
“Pippin itself is wonderful in any adaptation. It’s simple yet imaginative,” Saari said.
Bri Reed, music theater sophomore playing “Leading Player,” said the process is going by quickly.
“My character in Pippin is the antagonist in disguise and is very hard to dig into. I am very excited to see where the next two weeks go,” Reed said.
Reed said Pippin is a show that is full of life lessons and fun.
“Pippin is a free show that teaches everyday lessons that everyone should come see,” Reed said.
While Stripped has always been student run, James said there is something very special about the production team of Pippin.
“This year, Stripped has an all-female production team,” James said.
James said women are very underrepresented in leadership roles in the world, so this all-female crew is a very special experience for OCU to partake in.
“Pippin is very altruistic and expressive and is something the cast and team can really play around with,” James said.
She said she is thrilled about the chance to learn new things throughout the process.
“OCU, as a university, provides so many opportunities to learn and grow during our time here,” said James.
Pippin performaces will be at 8 p.m. on Oct. 4-5 in Petree Recital Hall in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center. There will be an optional donation box at the doors to help with funding for the next Stripped production.
Saari said the cast hopes to see students show up to support other students.
“Come see Pippin to have a fun time and support this student run production,” Saari said.
Graphic Designer Melissa Campbell is the assistant choreographer for Pippin. She was not involved in the writing of this story.
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