The climate crisis is an important issue which has fallen onto our generation’s shoulders.
For decades and decades, the human race has been mistreating the planet by using oceans and landfills as temporary garbage cans for lifelong problems.
I recently attended the Oklahoma City Climate Strike, and seeing so many young people in attendance inspired me to write a column about the importance of environmentalism in this day and age.
I didn’t consider myself a major advocate for conservation until very recently. I spent this summer in Wisconsin, one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, and being surrounded by such breathtaking nature inspired me to make a major change in my life: to try and live low-waste and figure out how to maintain a sustainable lifestyle in college.
I get it. Trying to be environmentally conscious while attending college is really daunting. But attending the Climate Strike and seeing so many young advocates proved to me that everyone is capable of living a little greener. Those changes don’t have to be massive, but if everyone reading this column took a few small steps to living more sustainably, our campus would be much greener.
It’s impossible to be 100% green. Due to the current food and fashion industry, so much waste is found in the things we buy. Almost everything we eat is wrapped in plastic in the grocery store, to-go boxes from restaurants are almost always made out of Styrofoam and 150,000 tons of food are wasted every day by Americans alone.
As for retail, our society is rooted in the “fast-fashion” ideal. Companies (often unethically) try to convince consumers that we have to reinvent our wardrobe every season, when in reality, people end up throwing away 65 pounds of clothing annually.
These numbers are shocking, and I am in no way searching to shame people who enjoy buying new clothing and like to eat out. I’m not expecting a 100% turn around after reading just this one article. However, I do hope that you can take away one highly important idea from these statistics.
You can create change.
Don’t feel like you have no say. Our generation is by far one of the most influential of all time. The young people of the 21st century are creating a massive wave in politics and societal standards. From gun control to racial inequality to climate change, this new age of activism is the key to changing the deadly course that our planet is tumbling down.
It all starts with you. Even making one little change can change the tides. Bring your own Tupperware to restaurants. Thrift your clothing. Take your concerns to the local government. Plant a tree. Walk to work. The paths to the betterment of our planet are infinite, and our future generations need you.
Don’t just sit and take what is given to you.
“Little changes fill the bucket, one drop at a time.” –Fabien Cousteau
I was glad to see a good number of Stars repping at the climate strike! I hope we’ll follow your advice and work together to make this campus a greener place. Thank you for sharing your views!
Well written and well said. Your generation and following generations will be stuck with the damage of present and past generations.Please continue to stick up for this dear Earth. Do not let greed and wastefulness , and ignorance of others stop you. We have but one Earth and we are all the keepers of its’ life and death as well as ours if we do not act now!