Oklahoma City University’s first and only head soccer coach has earned his 800th win.
Brian Harvey, head men’s and women’s soccer coach, started coaching at OCU in 1986 when he started the university’s first male soccer team. He started the women’s team in 1994.
Harvey’s 800th win came in an away game on Aug. 31 with the women’s soccer team. The Stars played against Houston Victoria and won 3-0. They beat Randall University at the Sept. 5 game, giving Harvey his 802nd win.
In an interview with OCUsports, Harvey said after coaching professionally, he wanted to coach at a university.
“It was about shaping people’s lives at a time where they needed it most,” he said. “I felt like a discipline like soccer could help that, and that was one of the main times I felt this could be a very good niche for me.”
Harvey said he has made great memories and connections with students and coaches throughout the years.
“You’ve got to love it, and it’s something that I’ve always enjoyed doing,” he said. “It became a second home to me.”
Abigail Banks, political science/philosophy/economics sophomore, said her attendance at OCU was partly because of the soccer program’s history.
“I’ve always had an interest in OCU, but after finding out about the legacy that the soccer team has and the legacy that Harvey has, I reached out to the team,” Banks said.
Banks said the team entered the game knowing it could be Harvey’s 800th win.
“I think that gave us more motivation to put goals into the back of the net,” she said. “At the end of the day we took a picture. He doesn’t like to celebrate things like that, but the whole team was excited and so was the other team.”
Jessica Titsworth, marketing senior, said the team went to the San Antonio River Walk the following day for a small celebration.
In addition to earning his 800th win, Harvey has collected a number of other merits. Harvey is in the NAIA Hall of Fame, Oklahoma Soccer Association Hall of Fame and the Oklahoma City University Athletics Hall of Fame. Harvey has also been conference coach of the year 16 times.
The university renamed the campus soccer field after Harvey on Aug. 24. The ceremony honored Harvey’s achievements as a coach.
Titsworth said she appreciates Harvey’s approach to coaching.
“He just is the type of coach who tells you what to fix and teaches you through constructive criticism,” Titsworth said. “With him, it’s more positive.”
Titsworth says Harvey has impacted her life in more ways than one.
“He’s taught me so much. I’ve grown not only as a player but as a person,” she said. “I thank him for helping me grow and teaching me and coaching me.”
Banks said she admires Harvey’s concern with his players.
“My biggest thing about Coach Harvey is that he’s more than a soccer coach,” she said. “He consistently asks us how we are doing and about life in general. He doesn’t just care about our performance on the field, but who we are as people.”
Madi Caputo, marketing sophomore, scored two goals at the game that got Harvey his 800th win.
Caputo said Harvey is inspiring.
“He has a lot of wisdom and knowledge that he’s gathered over the years,” she said. “He’s great at motivating and keeping us together.”
Caputo said Harvey will be retiring from his position at OCU after 34 years of coaching.
Banks said she has a message for Harvey.
“Thank you for this opportunity to be able to come to this amazing university and play for an amazing coach,” she said.
Caputo said she thanks Harvey for everything.
“Thank you for all of your hard work and how much effort and time you put into this,” she said.
Harvey was unavailable for comment.
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