This site is protected by WP-CopyRightProStudents will be able to voice their concerns about the tuition increase directly to the university president. Jordan Tarter, Student Government Association president and English senior, said she has planned a forum with President Martha Burger on March 1 for students to get more information about the tuition increase. For more on the increase, see here. Tarter has been working to coordinate the event since the tuition increase was announced Dec. 20 during Winter Break. The event will have free food, most likely pizza, water, soft drinks, and other snacks, she said. Students may send questions about the increase to Tarter. "I’ll be gathering questions for Martha from the student body," Tarter said. "I’m not going to be able to ask them all, but I’ll be picking out the most important ones. I’ll interview her pertaining to these questions and then for the last 10-15 minutes, we’ll be open for student questions that we didn’t cover." The event is not yet set for a specific time, but Tarter said it will most likely take place during lunch time. If students have additional questions or need more information, they may email Tarter at
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