Each year, the Miss OCU pageant features a talent portion, where competitors almost always perform a song, dance, or occasionally play an instrument. While these are perfectly valid talents, the long evening leaves the audience craving some variety. This year’s pageant featured painting and sewing as talents, which led me to brainstorm of a whole slew of talent ideas to give competitors an extra edge.
Honestly, I don’t particularly like the idea of beauty pageants in the first place. However, I know they can provide hearty scholarships, so if you’re going to compete, don’t be afraid to choose a talent that deviates from the norm. I’m no pageant expert, but here are some ideas:
1. Weightlifting: This talent would be rough on the stage crew, but who doesn’t appreciate a strong woman?
2. Ventriloquism: Nobody can resist a good joke from a creepy puppet.
3. Butter Sculpting: This talent could double as a state fair entry and earn you some extra cash.

4. Disc Golf: It shows that you like to have fun, without being as bougie as regular golf.
5. Birding: This would be a true spectacle. Release some birds into the auditorium, and impress everyone with your identification skills.
6. Empire pizza eating contest: If you ate an entire Empire pizza, I’d be very impressed. Bring up a challenger to compete against. President Henry or Gage Rancich could be good candidates.

7. Social media stalking: Ask the judges to give you the name of someone in the audience, and find all of their personal information as quickly as possible. This could particularly impress an elderly judge.
8. Old-fashioned magic: I’m talking classic card tricks and vanishing acts. Maybe you could saw the other contestants in half?
9. Catfish noodling: I recently learned what this is. It’s terrifying but also intriguing.

10. Screaming: Everyone needs a freeing, bloodcurdling scream every once in a while. Some people are better at screaming than others. I had to teach myself to scream, so I’m envious of natural screamers. Embrace your talents.
11. Antique appraisal: Get points for audience interaction by offering to estimate the value of people’s belongings.
12. Cleaning: Let the stage crew completely trash the auditorium and spend your talent portion frantically cleaning, organizing, and disinfecting. That’s a talent I wish I had.
13. Toaster oven cooking: Allow the judges to provide you with ingredients of their choice, and amaze them by creating a five-star masterpiece in an onstage toaster oven. If it turns out well, you can let them sample your creation. If not, choke it down and do some quality acting.
14. Interactive obstacle course: For the entirety of your talent time, give the stage crew free reign to pelt you with rocks, water, fire, and acid, as you dodge the attacks. Throw in some live snakes or scorpions for some extra excitement.
15. Sleeping: Some may not think this is a true talent, but others have trouble doing it at all. Show the judges how quickly you can fall asleep in weird positions. Start by lying down center stage. Fall asleep. The stage crew will wake you up, and you can move downstage, right in front of the judges. Fall asleep again. Repeat this process, sleeping in different locations and positions until your time runs out. Sleepwalk offstage for bonus points.
Comment below with more talent ideas!
Personally I think you should be allowed to show everyone your daily schedule booked from 8 in the morning to 11 at night and call that good enough.