If you own a TV or computer, or have eyes and ears, you probably know that election season is upon is. For most of us, this is the first time we’ve voted in an election, which could be very overwhelming. In past elections, we’ve seen our parents, or other adults, get heated when speaking about our future Commander in Chief, and it all sounded like a foreign language to us youngin’s. But now, we’re 18 or older, and it’s time for us to learn that foreign language. Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll help you tackle this crazy election season, cutting through the bull, finding the facts, and making your voice heard.
First thing’s first, REGISTER TO VOTE! Without this most important step, all of your work to figure out who you think is best for America will go to waste.
Here’s how to register in Oklahoma in three easy steps:
- Be Eligible
Ok, so this isn’t really a step that you can control, but let’s just clear the air about who is actually able to vote for our next president. You must:
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Be an Oklahoma Resident (if you are not an Oklahoma resident, you can still register in your state of residency online.)
- Be a U.S. Citizen
- Not be a convicted felony within the time period equal to the original judgment and sentence, even if you are no longer incarcerated.
- Have not been legally determined to be incapacitated.
- Have not been legally determined to be partially incapacitated with a prohibition on voting.
(Most of us don’t apply to the last three, but just good to cover our basis.)
- Fill out a Voter Registration Application
…which you can find right here.
Or go to any DMV in Oklahoma, get one there, and fill it out, but I wouldn’t suggest that if you have access to a computer, which you do, because you’re reading this right now. I see you.
For this application, you will need:
- Name
- Address (Your OCU address counts)
- Political Affiliation (be aware that if you put anything other than Republican or Democrat, you will NOT be able to vote in their primaries.
- Birth Date
- Divers license number OR last four digits of your Social Security number.
- Obtain your Voter Registration Card
In Oklahoma, you CANNOT vote unless you have a Voter Registration Card. If your voter’s application is approved, you will get this card in the mail, so be on the look out for it!
There is NO EXCUSE for you not to vote! You have the information at your fingertips. USE IT! MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! ‘MURICA.
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