This week, I only asked questions that appear in songs. Callie Dewees, acting freshman, used these lyrics to convey her goals and thoughts on life.
Q: Hello, how are you?
A: I’m kinda tired right now, but I appreciate the Adele reference. For the most part, I’m pretty okay tonight!
Q: Can you feel the love tonight?
A: You know, I can. I’ve got some good people in my life that are there for me when I need them, and I appreciate that.
Q: Where is the love?
A: I think it’s all around us. Sometimes it’s a little harder to see. It’s always there, if you look for it.
Q: What about love?
A: This is eerily similar to the question before it. Love is accepting people who ask questions that are the same in nature and different in wording.
Q: Who are you?
A: I think I’m a listener. I’m a person who always does everything I can for people who need me.
Q: Do you believe in magic?
A: I do. I believe in the magic of theatre, of love, and of friendship.
Q: Does anybody really know what time it is?
A: To answer that question, we have to address what we think time is. To some people, time is nothing more than an abstract concept meant to confine us. So in that sense, I don’t think anyone knows what time is, much less what time IT is.
Q: How do you want to be remembered?
A: I want to be remembered as someone who was always there for people, no matter what, and someone who made their lives better by being around.
Q: What is life?
A: That’s a good question. Life is the way we classify our day-to-day operations. Naming it life gives it a reason. It gives it a purpose and makes it much easier to talk about in conversation.
Q: What’s new pussycat?
A: Regarding cats, there is this newish app called “Neko Atsume.” It is a game where you have a virtual yard and cats visit you. A new cat visited me today. Her name is Lady MeowMeow, and she is a star. I was excited about that.
Q: Who let the dogs out?
A: I don’t know, but he needs to be fired. We can’t have dogs running all over the place. Especially if it’s Head RA Kevin’s dog, who barked at me earlier and caused me to nearly spill hot chocolate on myself. Scary.
Q: Is there life on Mars?
A: There’s no definitive answer for that quite yet, and I won’t put my answer into a box without evidence.
Q: Have you ever seen the rain?
A: Yes. I saw it Monday night.
Q: Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
A: Sometimes, it feels like a fantasy. There are so many beautiful, talented people on this campus, so it doesn’t always feel real. Theatre takes us to fantasy during real life. I think that’s rad.
Q: What’s your fantasy?
A: To have people in my life that love and accept me for who I am and always appreciate it.
Q: Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
A: Because that’s where the drama is! Who doesn’t love drama now and then?
Q: Do your ears hang low?
A: *feels ear* No.
Q: What are you doing the rest of your life?
A: Hopefully theatre. That’s the dream. Hence the obscene amount of student loan debt to study acting.
Q: Where have all the good men gone?
A: Certainly not into theatre. I think they’re hiding in engineering and English majors. The few of those that I’ve met, I like. I’ve yet to meet a horrible male English major.
Q: Do you think my tractor’s sexy?
A: I’ve never been sexually stimulated by tractors.
Q: Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?
A: Yeah, I think everyone’s felt like that from time to time. But we just have to remind ourselves that we’re usually never as alone as we think we are.
Q: What you gon’ do with all that junk?
A: I’d like to take it to the trash and throw it out so I get a “very good” on my room check for once.
Q: Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew?
A: The Candyman, duh.
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