With Halloween rapidly approaching, students franticly search for the perfect, creative yet cheap costume. No one wants to see another generic ghost, witch, or zombie, but when it comes to dressing as other humans, outfits can easily become offensive. Here are some costume options sure to make their makers stand out in the right way.
1. Michelin man
Materials needed: tape, big marshmallows
Tape big marshmallows on yourself until you cover your entire body. The other party guests will never “tire” of this costume, especially since you are an automatic food source if anyone gets hungry.
2. Bed bug
Materials needed: bedsheets, pillow, belt, two sticks, headband, two pipe cleaners
Attach the pillow behind your head, and wrap the sheet around your torso. Secure the two sticks to your hips, so they look like insect legs. Attach two pipe cleaners to the headband and wear it as antennas. This costume will not “bug” anyone, but it might freak them out enough to give you easy access to the front of the punch line.
3. Jellyfish
Materials needed: umbrella, streamers (same color as the umbrella)
Cut streamers into about 15 four to five-foot long strips, and glue them around the edge of the umbrella. Optimally, your clothing should be a similar color to the umbrella as well. This costume is a jam-and-a-half and will also protect you in rainy environments.
4. Gumball machine
Materials needed: clear trash bag, mini balloons
Cut head and arm holes into the trash bag. Put it on, and stuff it’s with inflated, multicolored mini balloons. Tuck the bottom of the trash bag into your pants. You are guaranteed to have a ball in this costume. Plus, if you are running short on cash, you can always charge party guests a quarter for one of your balloons.
5. Rock
Materials needed: black or gray trash bag
Cut head and arm holes in the trash bag. Tuck the bottom into your pants, and stuff the inside, if desired. If people have trouble understanding your costume, just sit in the corner for a while. If they still do not get it, roll on the ground. If they need further explanation, skip. If they have not figured it out by this point, you may need to label yourself or simply say, “I am a rock.”
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