By The Editors
Dining on campus is always a touchy subject with students across the nation.
Food is one of the top complaints on college campuses, according to Hundreds of students were surveyed to find out what their top complaints about college are. Lack of diversity and tuition also made the list.
The article points out some things that OCU students have said in the past, including that they have difficulty getting to grocery stores and there’s a lack of variety in meal planning.
Sodexo, who provides food in the cafeteria as well as Alvin’s Café, also supplies food to prisons.
Eating prison food can get annoying.
It is not only the food quality that students notice. The price of the food is astronomical compared to grocery stores and other restaurants.
Plan C, the lowest priced non-commuter meal plan, consists of 150 meals, $200 in points and $50 Stars Cash, and is priced at $2,075.
Subtracting $250 to account for points and Stars Cash, then dividing the remainder by 150, means that each meal costs the student about $12.
An individual meal purchase for someone who does not have a meal plan is about $5-7, depending on the meal. See Page 4 for more on meal prices.
The meal is marked up to a ridiculous point and, if students don’t use all their meals, they end up losing a stupid amount of money.
It would be better if these meals were cashed out at the end of the semester or if the funds rolled over into the next semester. As it is, if you are left with any meals, those dollars disappear. For a student with Plan C who has even 20 meals left over, that is $240 wasted.
Running a university means running a business, but there has to be a better way to make the money our university needs for dining services without ripping off students.
It is time for officials to rethink how much they charge for prison food.
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