Breaking and Entering Tuesday, 1-2-13 8:54am; Harris Hall ELS (office closet and safe); Incident # 13-01-002; victim: ELS; reporting person: Manager Chandrakant Rakesh Shah; items stolen: none; Officer Roland Garrett was dispatched to the ELS manager’s office in reference to a Breaking and Entering. Upon arrival he met with Mr. Shah who said between Monday, 12-31-12 5:00pm and Wednesday, 1-2-13 8:05am, someone pried open the closet door and attempted to open the safe. The officer observed pry marks on the door latch and strike plate to the closet door which allowed access to the safe. The safe had numerous pry marks to the lower hatch however the suspect(s) were not able to gain entry. The officer was unable to lift latent prints and photos were taken of the crime scene. Mr. Shah made a written statement.
Recovered Stolen Motor Vehicle Friday, 1-4-13 1:40am; 2400 block McKinley Avenue; Incident # 13-01-003; recovered vehicle: 1993 blue/silver Chevrolet Suburban SUV; owner of recovered vehicle: Margarita Ramirez OKC (no OCU affiliation); Sergeant John Jackson observed the above vehicle backed up next to the Family Dollar store located at 1525 NW 23rd. The SUV was not occupied and the ignition had been punched. The NCIC notification originated from the Oklahoma City Police Department and was notified of the recovery. The vehicle was impounded and the owner was notified.
Public Intoxication Friday, 1-4-13 5:18pm; Wanda L. Bass Music Center; Incident # 13-01-004; arrested: Michael Leon Halford (visitor); Officer Roland Garrett was dispatched to the Bass Music Center regarding a disturbance involving an intoxicated adult male. Upon arrival he met with visitor Michael Halford who had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and was unsteady on his feet. The officer was informed that Mr. Halford was creating a disturbance. Officer Garrett was informed that Mr. Halford was accompanied by his father who was sober and the driver. Mr. Halford said he was on campus to see his granddaughter’s recital and that he resides at Ada, Oklahoma. The officer told Mr. Halford to leave the campus of which he said he would comply. The officer was later informed that Mr. Halford had exited the vehicle and was walking back to the Bass Music Center. Officer Garrett observed him at NW 25th and Blackwelder Avenue at which he was arrested and transported him to the Public Inebriation Alternative Center where he registered a presumptive BAC of 0.169 %.
Alcohol Contact Saturday, 1-5-13 2:38pm; Cokesbury Court Apartments; Incident # 13-01-006; reporting person: RA; involved person: one student; evidence: 8 cans of unopened beer; Officer Roland Garrett was dispatched to Cokesbury Apartments in reference to an apartment with beer in the refrigerator. Upon arrival he met with the RA who said he was inspecting the apartments for spiders and observed the beer inside of the refrigerator. They went to the apartment and spoke with the student who admitted to having the alcoholic beverages in his kitchen. Officer Garrett took possession of the beer and properly disposed of it. The RA made a written statement and photos were taken of the beer prior to disposal. This incident had been forwarded to the Dean of Students for administrative adjudication.
Possession of a Firearm After Felony Conviction, Possession of CDS, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Escape From a Peace Officer and Obstructing Officer Sunday, 1-6-13 4:05am; NW 30th and Florida Avenue; Incident # 13-01-007; arrested: Eric Michael Edwards (no OCU affiliation); impounded vehicle: 2007 yellow Kawasaki Ninja motor cycle; evidence: .1 gram of methamphetamine (field tested positive), one copper “smoking pipe”, one Smith and Wesson 40 caliber semiautomatic handgun w/ magazine (containing 10 live rounds) and one license plate; Sergeant John Jackson observed an adult male pushing a motor cycle West on NW 30th from Florida Avenue. A registration check revealed to license plate was registered to a 1983 Honda 750cc. He interviewed Mr. Eric Michael Edwards (no OCU affiliation) and observed the handle of a firearm protruding from Mr. Edwards’ front right pocket at which time the sergeant handcuffed him and took the weapon into his possession. Upon further searching, he found methamphetamine and a pipe on his person. As the sergeant was escorting Mr. Edwards to the patrol unit, he jerked away and ran between two residences in the 1600 block of NW 30th. He was taken back into custody and placed in the patrol unit. The suspect gave numerous bogus names, dates of birth, etc. The motor cycle was impounded and Mr. Edwards was transported to the Oklahoma County Detention Center. Upon arrival he finally provided \his true identity.
a lot of crimes are happening nowadays better be vigilant and ready for all times
Can you please remove these after so many years have passed. You are effecting lives and there is no need to keep expunged or diverted records on a University a website.
It’s time to take down many of these expunged and dismissed cases. It effects people’s lives and in most case are no longer public information. Certainly not relevant to the University.