By Elizabeth Newby, Columnist
I am a hot mess.
This is no secret.
I mean, I’m pretty open about it in this column.
I really want to invest in a fur coat, start chain smoking indoors, and carry a bottle of wine with me from class to class, but, for some reason, I don’t think this will jive well with my professors.
I have this fascination with others that are terribly disheveled, but I’ve realized recently that there aren’t many of these female anti-hero types in popular culture that I can look up to. We really romanticize the male anti-hero.
There are a ton of male personas that basically are terrible people with, like, one redeeming quality.
It’s this leather jacket-clad stereotype that every guy wants to be and every girl wants her heart broken by. This badass portrayal is so popular that it’s become this huge James Dean cliché.
Yet the Courtney Love type is basically considered a joke.
Like, people mostly are just surprised she’s not dead already.
And Johnny Depp is looking better than ever with sick gold teeth.
It’s not like I don’t look up to Courtney Love, but let’s be honest, she’s getting up there in age.
I follow her twitter account, and she mostly tweets about some high-priced furniture in her townhouse. I’m just a little underwhelmed right now.
I understand this whole question of associating this idea with gender is a little problematic, but at the same time, I feel like this identity isn’t really represented in a real or nuanced way.
So who’s the female Byronic hero for the next generation? Ke$ha? I don’t know if I can settle for that.
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