By Amanda Alfanos, Web Editor

Officers handcuff a crime suspect March 30 behind the Kappa Sigma house, 2412 Virginia Ave. Sgt. Jeff Stonebreaker said officers still are figuring out the crime's details. Photo: Marianne Pickens/ The Campus
Students witnessed a post-theft dispute at about 2 p.m. today, March 30, behind the Kappa Sigma House, 2412 Virginia Ave.
Six Oklahoma City Police vehicles, two OCU Police cars and one ambulance arrived on the scene at about 2:10 p.m. after responding to a phone call. German Martinez, political science sophomore, phoned OCU PD from the Kappa Sigma house to notify them of the men quarreling in the yard.
“I saw that one guy had a gun, so I called police,” he said. “We saw them shoot into our yard.”
No parties were shot, Stonebreaker said, but the victim was injured from the struggle.
Officers took a black male, who had blood on his sweatshirt, into custody at the scene. Police also questioned a white male victim at the scene. Stonebreaker refused to disclose further identity of the involved parties. No persons involved in the crime were related to OCU, he said.
Officers aren’t sure of exact details of the crime yet, Stonebreaker said.
“We’re still trying to figure it out,” he said.
CJ Vaughn, mass communications senior, said the men ran from EZ Pawn, 2027 N. W. 23 St. while being chased by store employees. One of the men pulled out a gun and hit the other in the head, he said.
Michelle Luneau, manager of OCU Bluetique, said she was working when the incident happened.
“We were just sitting inside when it happened,” she said. “But we didn’t think anything of it until more cops came and make a blockade.”
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