By Amanda Alfanos, Editor-in-Chief

Zach Bloomfield, music theater freshman, falls outside the Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center in the snow on Tuesday. Photo by: Courtney Zanetti
The university is open today for regular business hours, Provost Susan Barber said.
Closings will not affect the academic calendar at this point, but professors will probably assign extra work outside of class, Barber said.
“We will not have make-up days,” she said.
Some students are concerned about officials’ decision not to close the university.
Adrean Indolos, nursing junior, said he is worried about his friends driving to campus, especially nursing students, many of whom drive from Norman, Okla.
“I know campus facilities employees are working hard to clean up the campus,” he said. “But I think it’s slightly dangerous as far as the commuters are concerned.
“The I-235 exit to 23rd Street is a death trap.”
This is really good information for students and faculty. I have been wondering if the academic calendar would change because of days off. It’s always difficult for us to try to catch up after days off like this. Did the provost say when they would decide what time the university will open?