By Farris Willingham, Staff Writer

Snow falls Tuesday at Cokesbury Court Apartments. Administrators closed the university Tuesday and Wednesday due to inclement weather conditions. Photo: Marianne Pickens
The university will be closed Thursday, Feb. 3 due to inclement weather conditions, according to and OCU also was closed Feb. 1 and 2.
Students heard the news Monday and stocked up at Wal-Mart. Many Oklahoma City residents had the same idea, said Anna Combs-Francis, acting and horn performance freshman.
“It was horrendous, she said. “There were no parking spaces.
“I didn’t get much, but other people had carts full of food.”
The juice shelves were completely empty, Combs-Francis said.
“It kind of reminded me of Black Friday, but not quite as ridiculous,” she said.
Several students woke up surprised and conflicted Feb. 1.
Anna Bookout’s first thought was how much clothing she should wear outside.
“I wondered if I should put on two pairs of pants to go to breakfast,” the vocal performance freshman said. “When I stepped outside, I was like ‘Snow my God.’”
The wind and snow flurries barred many students in for much of the morning.
“Once it stops snowing everywhere, I’m going to go play in it,” said Lauren Kolker, biomedical junior. “I’ll probably do homework until then.”
It’s crazy how this occurred just three days after 70 degree weather, she said.
I agree, said Katie Nason, biomedical junior.
“I’m going to go work out until the snow stops so I don’t get cabin fever.”
Nason said she is an Oklahoma native.
“I’ve lived here my whole life so this doesn’t surprise me anymore, she said.
“I’m probably going to go watch movies then play in the snow,” said Keisha Worley, accounting sophomore. “I love the snow.”
Other students spent the day creating nicknames for the storm.
“My friends and I came up with names like ‘Snowpocalypse,’ ‘Snownado’ and ‘Snowpalooza,'” said Ciera Terry, theater production designer junior.
Contributing: Amanda Alfanos, Editor-in-Chief
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