By Susannah Waite, Associate Editor
Student Government Association is looking into a shuttle service for students during major holidays or breaks.
The service would allow SGA members to provide transportation to the airport in the vans owned by OCU.
The idea was proposed at the Dec. 8 Senate meeting.
Sen. David Scott (business) said he came up with the idea.
“Since the idea came about in December, that obviously didn’t leave us a lot of time before Christmas break,” he said.
Senators decided after discussing their ideas with Rick Hall, vice president for student affairs, and Risk Manager Glede Holman that it would be best to postpone the service so they could better plan it.
“Right now we are looking at potentially using the shuttle service for Spring Break or the end of the year,” Scott said. “We have not made any official plans or movement for this semester.”
Scott is working with SGA’s PR department. SGA would like to assess how many students would use the shuttle service before they offer it.
Catherine Miller, theater design production freshman, is unsure how many students would use the service.
“It has the potential to be beneficial,” she said. “I don’t know how many people live far enough away to use it.”
“Right now we are only discussing taking students to the airport, but not picking them up,” Scott said.
There are chances of flight delays and cancellations, he said.
Since students would be driving other students in university vans, there are requirements to become certified to drive the vans.
“We are for now just talking about have drivers from SGA,” Scott said. “We can look at members of our organization to see who is qualified.”
He said SGA would like to eventually offer the ability to drive to other students.
“We could create a student job that would not be very time intensive, as it would be a seasonal thing,” Scott said.
Funding for this shuttle service would come from SGA and the service would be free to students.
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