By Amanda Alfanos, Editor-in-Chief
Five seats on Student Government Association’s Student Senate remain empty. Open seats include nursing, graduate, graduate/law-at-large, sophomore-at-large, and freshman-at-large.
The resignations of Sens. Neil Cooley (sophomore-at-large) and Jacilyn Kennedy (freshman-at-large) were announced during the Dec. 7 Student Senate meeting.
Cooley resigned because he was no longer able to allot the time and dedication needed for the position, according to his letter of resignation. Letters were read aloud by Sen. Sarah Cook (president pro-tempore/Greek) during Tuesday’s meeting.
“My personal skills as a senator are no longer effective to the environment,” Cooley said in his letter.
Kennedy resigned due to an increased number of credit hours next term. She also was elected to serve as an executive member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority, Kennedy said in her letter.
Another senator’s resignation still is pending, Cook said during Tuesday’s meeting.
The article that you wrote about this in the actual paper was the worst written piece of garbage I have ever read. Either you need to start doing some fact checking or stop publishing completely fabricated quotes and information just to slander hard working and dedicated students like the former senators that you tore apart in that article. It is absolutely shameful that doing something like that would even cross the minds of your writers, just shameful.