By Susannah Waite, Associate Editor
Tomorrow morning two campus parking lots will be blocked off due to on-campus events.
The parking lot south of Meinders School of Business will be blocked off due to a counselor’s event.
About 50 of the 103 parking spots will be unavailable for student parking, Police Chief Lyndel Harris said.
The event begins at 8 a.m. and the parking lot will be open shortly after this time, he said.
The lot north of the Dulaney-Browne Library also will be blocked off due to a luncheon that will occur at noon in the Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center.
The event will last about an hour to an hour and a half.
Murod Mamatov, accounting senior, said it would affect parking, because space is already limited.
“If the event is beneficial to the students and the university though, I think it’s fine,” he said.
Hi, is there any way that these announcements can be e-mailed to students with commuter parking permits and faculty, or just e-mailed to the entire student body 24 hours in advance? I’m pretty sure that very few people see these posts. Just a suggestion that would make everyone’s experiences at OCU better!
Hi Benjamin,
Thank you for your thoughts. Student Publications unfortunately does not have the capability to e-mail the entire student body. However, we do agree that this would be of a great service to the student body, whom we serve. We are aware that OCU Student Life sent out a campuswide e-mail notifying the community of the closings yesterday. Student Publications wasn’t made aware of the parking restrictions until that e-mail was issued.