The On-Campus Printing Shop, R.K. Black Office, has transitioned to taking orders remotely.
The R.K. Black Office offers students, staff, and faculty extensive printing, binding, and copying services at an affordable cost. Their services also include graphic design assistance with professional printing materials, CD and DVD duplication, and photographing headshots.
Their office used to be located in room 114B of Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center.
Kevin Windholz, vice president for Enrollment Management and University Communications, supervised R.K. Black’s move to remote operations.
“Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, in mid-2020 the office transitioned to 100% remote operations and still serves OCU by taking orders online. That is still the capacity upon which it operates today,” Windholz said.
Though R.K. Black is unsure if and how they will return to campus, their commitment to serve the OCU community remains steadfast.
For now, students can email R.K.black@okcu.edu to place an order.
Gerry Hunt, Chief Information Officer, has also assisted R.K. Black in the logistics of their virtual move.
“R.K. Black is developing a web portal for the campus that will be used instead of email once it is complete. It should be rolling out in the weeks ahead,” says Hunt.
Vangeli Tsompanidis, music theater sophomore, feels unsure about the transfer to online services.
“I think the move is definitely an inconvenience to the student body. Even though we can still get printing orders in the mail, it takes longer than it normally would to have to pick them up in person,” Tsompanidis said.
Students can check the OCU website or contact R.K.black@okcu.edu to learn more about R.K. Black Office’s future
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